Early life of Prophet(PBUH) | Sphere Trends

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Early life of Prophet(PBUH)

prophet's ring
by etsy.com


The Holy Prophet (PBUH)  was born on Monday morning 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal (the elephant year, 570A.D). When Muhammad(PBUH) was born, there were significant signs indicating that a prophet was born; 14 Balconies of Kisra's palace collapsed and the magicians sacred fire went out. Shortly before the prophet's birth, Hazrat Abdullah fell ill at Yathrib while returning from a trade journey and passed away. When Hazrat Abdul Muttalib received the happy news, he came to Hazrat Aminah, carried the young child to the ka'aba and named him Muhammad (PBUH). Holy prophet (PBUH) stayed with his mother for a short period and then, as per tradition, was entrusted to Hazrat Halima who belonged to Banu Sa'ad. Her subsequent life, as long as, the Prophet stayed with her was favored by successive strakes of good fortune: their camels and sheep began to provide much more milk than before, barren land sprouted grass and splitting of chest (shaaq-al-sadr) incident occured during the time prophet Muhammad(PBUH) was staying with Hazrat Halima. In the 6th year of his life the Holy Prophet was returned to Hazrat Aminah felt sick and passed away at a place called Al-Ubwa. Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH) was brought back to Makkah by Abdul Muttalib. He was the entrusted the the care of his grandfather, Hazrat Abdul Muttalib, who brough thim up with love and affection, but his guardianship did not last too long and  at the time of his death, he entrusted the little boy under Abu Talib's supervision, when Holy prophet was 8. Abu Talib loved his nephew more than his own sons, believing that the child had brought fortune to the family, and he made great efforts to raise him well.


Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) was 12 years old, he went on a trade journey to Syria with his uncle. A Christian priest, named Bahira saw the Holy Prophet(PBUH) at Basra, and recognized him as the 'Messenger of Allah' because he saw a cloud shadowing him and the branches of a tree bowing down to him. He invited the caravan to a feast and said," This is the master of all humans. Allah will send him a message which would be a mercy for all beings." The monk advised Abu Talib to take him back to makkah, if the Jews recognized him as a prophet, they would try to harm them. Therefore, he ended his journey and returned to makkah.

prophet's ring
by boutiqueottoman.com


There was no central organization among the pre-Islamic Arab tribes, and they used to fight with each other under slight provocations for generations. The holy prophet(SAW) was 20 years old when 'sacrilegious', known as battle of Fijar, broke out between the Quraish and the Qais tribe at the fair of 'Ukaz'. He (pbuh) participated in the battle but did not play any direct role rather deflecting arrows with his shield and collecting them to give them to his uncle. However, he witnessed the war and learnt war tactics and strategies. As a result of Fijar wars, thousands of lives were lost. When the kindhearted leaders of Makkah saw the effect of the war, they formed a league called 'Half-al-Fazul' with the aim of maintaining peace, suppressing violence and injustice, and vindicating the rights of weak and the destitute. The chief of Hashemities, Zuhrah and Taim tribe assembled in the house of a noble Quraish, Abdullah bin Jadan and pledged together to remove all sorts of oppression form the land. The Holy Prophet(PBUH)was as archive participant and in later years, he said ,"I was present at the house of Abdullah bin Jadan at so excellent a pact that i would not exchange my part in it for a herd of red camels; and if now Islam, i were summoned  unto it, I would gladly respond".


When Holy prophet (PBUH) grew up he started a trading profession in those days. At the age of 25, he earned the title of Al-Sadiq(the truthful) and Al-Amin(the trustworthy) because of his decency, bravery, compassion fairness and his honesty and reliability in commercial life.  The Makkans including his vast enemies, used to entrust their valuable and money with him. the fame of Holy Prophet(PBUH) spread throughout the Arabia.

by worldsincredible.blogspot.com


In Makkah there was a respectful and rich widow, named Hazrat Khadija, who invited Holy Prophet made great profit which was far beyond the expectations of Hazrat Khadija. her slave Maisra was also on the journey and on his return spoke highly about this honest youth. Hazrat Khadija  was impressed by him that she sent a marriage proposal to Prophet through Nafisa. After consulting his uncle, he gladly accepted the proposal and married her at the age of 25 while Hazrat Khadija was 40 years old. the couple had two sons, Hazrat Qasim and Abdullah(both died in infancy) and 4 daughters; Hazrat Zainab, Umme-e-Kulsoom, ruqaiyyah and Hazrat Fatima.


Due to heavy rains on the hill-side in Makkah the building of Kabah was damaged, so the Quraish decided to repair it. When the question of placing the black stone arose, a dispute ensued as every tribe was eager to have the honor to install the black stone. The dispute almost flared up, but it was averted when Abu Ummayah bin Mughira suggested that the person who enters the Kabah first in the morning would decide, He prophet(PBUH)was the first to enter the Kabah the next morning and accepted to arbitrate. He(PBUH) placed the Black stone sheet and asked the leaders of all tribes to lift it to the level where it was to be placed. Then, he himself deposited the stone in which could have led to inter-clan fight, Holy Prophet(PBUH) was 40 years old when the first revelation was conferred upon him in the cave of Hira through Arch-angel Jibrael in the month of Ramadan 610A.D.


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